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World Earth Day - a guide to the celebrations


World Earth Day - when? What can you do for Earth Day?

Earth Day is coming - how to take care of our planet? This is a very important question that arises not only on the occasion of this holiday. In our article, we advise what you can do for Earth Day. We also answer the question of when is Earth Day.

International Earth Day is celebrated all over the world. Actions are organized to promote the cleaning of selected areas. However, the truth is that taking care of our planet should be practiced by all of us every day. That's why we decided to collect some tips on what to do for Earth Day and more. How to take care of our planet, starting from your own home? When exactly do we celebrate Earth Day? All answers below!

Earth Day - when is it?

We celebrate World Earth Day April 22. Other names that we can meet are the already mentioned International Earth Day or simply Earth Day.


What is the point of organizing Earth Day? There is no doubt that it aims to spread good habits in society (not only the youngest ones), teach how to live in harmony with nature, and also explain to us how to be more eco-friendly! Don't know how? Looking for an idea what to do for Earth Day? How to take care of our planet all year round? More on that later in the article!


What can you do for Earth Day? Good habits all year round!

How to take care of our planet? Start with your way of life. Consolidate good habits, and only then consciously pass this knowledge on to other people. Your home is the first place where you should pay special attention to your ecological (or previously less ecological) behavior. Where to start?

Do you usually throw slightly damaged equipment in the trash? Or maybe you even get rid of those devices (or other equipment) that are still functional, but no longer needed? It's not

Home recycling

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good habit! The truth is,that you can use at least a few of its parts for a different purpose from almost every product. However, if not, instead of throwing away all that is good, maybe it's worth giving it to someone? Think about whether the item will be useful to someone in your family or to one of your friends. Think about how else you could use the device in your home. Certainly, however, do not make hasty decisions about throwing everything in the trash can. Of course, practice this principle not only on Earth Day, but throughout the year.

Shopping with your own bag

Daily visits to the store force you to bring home and store disposable plastic bags? This is definitely not good practice!A better solution will be one cotton bag, which not only will not take up much space in the kitchen cabinet, but will also be able to withstand heavy loads. It is therefore perfect even for making large purchases.

Waste segregation

Segregating garbage seems to be the most popular way to live in harmony with nature. Place several smaller bins in your kitchen for individual waste. Sort glass, paper, plastic, bio waste or cans. Try to limit the purchases of products placed in plastic anyway. Of course, this is not always possible and we are very well aware of this, but it is worth a try. If everyone made a little effort to live in harmony with nature, our planet would be grateful to us - and not just on Earth Day.


Choose a bicycle instead of a car

The car is very comfortable. We can drive it almost exactly to the desired place. But think about it, isn't it worth giving up this means of transport and choosing a more environmentally friendly way of travel? Get on a bike, and not only the planet will thank you, but also your body. You'll see that it will get better with time! However, if you do not like to overwork, then maybe public transport? Depending on where you live, choose a bus, tram or train.

Don't leave the light on in the room

Try to always turn off the light when you leave a given room in your house or apartment. Remember that if you start at this pay attention you'll get it quickly into the habit. After a short time, you will do it without thinking, which will translate into even slightly lower electricity bills.

Save water


How to save water? Even with this simple activity, especially when brushing your teeth every day - always turn off the tap. In addition, check if it works properly. If you notice that drops are dripping from any part of it, it means that it needs renovation. It may seem to you that a little less water does not change anything. However, it is completely different! The droplets flow throughout the day, not just when you are in the bathroom or toilet.

Water bottle with filter

A very popular solution nowadays - especially for those who consciously want to take care of our planet. A good solution is to invest in one of the bottles, which are additionally equipped with a special filter, thanks to which we can draw water from the tap and consume it in a healthy way. Thus, you will resign from frequent purchase of water in plastic bottles and consequently reduce the amount of plastic waste.

How to look after our planet on Earth Day? Proven ways!

What is done on Earth Day? How to celebrate April 22? Below we present some solutions on how to organize your free time on this particular day. In addition to the already mentioned ways of shaping good habits throughout the year, it is also worth focusing on a few other useful activities that will gain special meaning for us on Earth Day.

So what should you do on World Earth Day?

Waste paper to a collection point

Oh, you will be surprised how much waste paper you can collect in your home! All you have to do is look through all the cabinets, shelves or drawers, and you will surely collect a lot of old newspapers, cardboard boxes, advertising leaflets or various papers that have been in your apartment for a long time. There's no point in keeping them. Decide which of them do not have any sentimental meaning for you and take the waste paper to the selected collection point.

Collect rubbish near your home

Take a short walk (weather permitting on that day) and try to pick up garbage at least close to where you live. All you have to do is spend an hour of free time and you will definitely be able to collect a bag of garbage that was scattered around your area.

Plant a tree


Like all other suggestions, you can do it on another day. But it's worth opting for symbolic planting of a tree on April 22 that is when Earth Day falls. If you do not have the opportunity to take such a step (no larger square or recreational plot), then maybe one of the smaller plants, e.g. a shrub? It's the gesture that counts!


As you can see, you can (and should) take care of our planet not only on Earth Day, but also throughout the year. It is worth doing to have a positive impact on the environment around us. Keep in mind, that you share this world with other people who would most likely like to see it in good, colorful colors.If you wish tooclean planet try to take proper care of it.

Start with at least a few of the above suggestions!

Prepared by a charity foundation

Hope For The Future

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