Anton Kuznetsov, 5 y.o.
Anton's mother turned to our fund for help:
Medical history:
Anton was born prematurely, at 32 weeks gestation. He spent the first month of his life in the intensive care unit. He was hooked up to a ventilator, survived a stroke, leucomalacia and primary hydrocephalus.
At 4 months of age, Antonio was diagnosed with epilepsy. Since then he has been on constant drug treatment.
Since he was one year old, he has been undergoing regular and systematic rehabilitation, which has made significant progress. In the beginning, we were told that the child would not walk and would not understand anything.
In April 2022, Anton underwent SDR surgery. Now we need further rehabilitation. He is very brave and hardworking, he uses every day to exercise. But to move forward, we can't stop.
Anton's hobbies:
Anton loves to dance. When he hears a rhythm, he starts to move. His legs don't listen to it perfectly yet, so he has learned to dance on all fours and on his hands. But he dreams of one day dancing on his feet like other children.
Anton likes to sing and dreams of having his own tablet where he can watch movies and videos.
Anton is a very cheerful and smiling boy. He loves to play with his friends and guests. He dreams, like all children, of running, jumping and playing pranks.
To carry out Anton's rehabilitation, we need to raise 12,000 zl. We have already started the collection and will do our best to give him the help he needs as soon as possible.
Join the collection - every donation is of inestimable value for his future and chances for a normal, happy life.