Our children
Novikov Natan
8 years
Novikov Natan was born prematurely at the 32nd week of pregnancy. In the third trimester, his mother developed preeclampsia: her blood pressure rose...
Denis Boryslavsiky
5 years
Denys, a five-year-old boy, faces a range of serious health challenges, including West syndrome, cerebral palsy, optic nerve atrophy, and autism. He takes three...
Szumowski Bernard
5 years
Dystonia, which is genetic, prevents Bernard from running like the average three-year-old.
He can play
David Ilchuk
7 years
The boy was born in Donetsk, after his family moved to Warsaw. Doctors diagnosed cerebral palsy. David consistently underwent rehabilitation courses...
Miroslava Bozchko
9 years
Mira is nine years old, and she has cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorder, and epilepsy. She is a very gentle and smiley child who loves swimming, swinging...
Miron Naminas
11 years
Diagnoza: autyzm. Miron jest dzieckiem niewerbalnym, nie ma mowy w ogóle. Do komunikacji z nim potrzebna jest alternatywna komunikacja. W wyniku przebytej...
Vova Golisiow
13 years
Vova ma 13 lat i cierpi na ciężką postać autyzmu, nie mówi. Z powodu niemożności wyrażenia swoich potrzeb i, być może, powiedzenia...
Juhim Wychopin
3 years
Juhim is a true example of strength and willpower, overcoming all difficulties on his path with a smile. The life of his family gained special meaning since his birth...
Nikita Svietlynskyi
5 years
Nikita is 5 years old. He has autism and is non-verbal. He is a hyperactive boy. Due to his lack of speech, he cannot fully communicate, and sometimes...
Mikhail Chornogor
7 years
Mikhail is 7 years old and lives with a diagnosis of autism. At the age of 2.7 years, after contracting the coronavirus, Mikhail's neural connections were disrupted...
Makar Voronovsky
10 years
Meet Makar Voronovskyy, a wonderful 10-year-old boy with a unique gift for seeing the world in his own way. Despite his diagnosis of autism, Makar radiates joy...
Kira Hrystenko
6 years
Kira Hrystenko, 6 years old, came from Kharkiv after a full-scale invasion, and three years ago she was diagnosed with childhood autism..
Yaroslava Zinchuk
4 years
Yaroslava is a girl who with one look lets the world know that she can handle anything! She fights daily for the right to a happy
and normal life...
Matvej Andrijewski
10 years
Matvej tried all possible treatment methods in Ukraine, but they didn't yield big results.
Then his family
decided to have
David Sychmolyn
5 years
David was born prematurely at 30 weeks gestation (due to my cancer diagnosis) weighing only 1350 grams and 40 cm tall. At the age
of 5 months...
Yaroslav Dudnik
13 years
He has suffered from cerebral palsy since birth. The child does not walk and has problems with the functioning of his hands. He has undergone several surgeries...
Gabriel Magalski
7 years
Gabriel Magalski has been struggling with a developmental disorder since he was very young. Born with health challenges, his path to a full life
requires support...
Ruzgar Huseynli
4 years
The boy has a congenital deformity reducing the lower limbs and a congenital longitudinal deformity reducing the fibula. This disease
is very rare in the world....
Bogdan Pelipenko
6 years
Bogdan was born at 38 weeks by cesarean section. The pregnancy proceeded normally, with no abnormalities. The boy was born quite large...
Anton Kuznetsov
5 years
Anton was born prematurely, at 32 weeks gestation. He spent the first month of his life in the intensive care unit. He was connected
to a ventilator....
Alina Machnovycz
13 years
Meet the charming Alińka Makhnovich, who, as her mother tells us, “was born amidst great difficulties but embarked on a journey of fighting for life from the get-go.” She endured ...
Oleksii Glushenko
7 years
Oleksii went through a long road of upbringing in hospitals after being born at just 1,000g.
Battling a rare genetic mutation that robbed his son of...
Sofia Pavlenko
8 years
Sofia was born prematurely at the age of 30. The girl weighed 1.7 kg. Doctors fought for her life for 15 days because the baby was not
breathing on her own.
Kira Zhurawska
7 years
Briefly about Kira.
My daughter Kira was born on time, but after birth she could not breathe on her own. 14 days in the intensive care unit left an imprint...
Ksenia Bozhovsteva
7 years
Ksenia is a very radiant child! She is very bright, kind, loves to draw
and sculpt crafts from plasticine. She also makes jewelry from beads. Despite all the tests...
Roman Shumiev
8 years
The Roma were born in the winter of 2014 in Donetsk, after the outbreak of hostilities they were forced to move to Slavyansk. In Słowiansk at Roman's...
Aleksandr Fedosow
14 years
Diplegic tetraparesis is a form of cerebral palsy. In this form, the individuality of the choice of the stroller is important
orthopedic to...
Rodion Pylypchuk
8 years
Diagnosis: hearing impairment, after a very tragic accident in childhood, he stopped hearing and now a single mother is looking for people of good will to help...
Mark Dutsyna
6 years
Marks brother, Bogdańczyk, did not survive. Mark was diagnosed with spastic cerebral palsy. And our whole life turned into a fight...
Yatsenko Oleksandr
13 years
For the first 9 days our son was on invasive mechanical ventilation. But a miracle happened, our boy's lungs opened. On tenth day...
Maxim Danilchenko
10 years
Maxim Danilchenko was born in Donetsk.
He was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, quadriplegia
Medvediev Ivan
10 years
He has been disabled since 2013, cerebral palsy, spastic tetroparesis.
Psychomotor development is delayed...
Bochak Yelizaveta
11 years
My daughter was born at 34 weeks weighing 2150 kg. the doctors said it would be a plant, but yes is not. 10 days of resuscitation,
1 month in the ward...